Parent Information
Early Childhood
Early Childhood Education is highly valued at Beckenham Primary School as it provides the building blocks for all subsequent successful learning. Students learn through a variety of hands-on interactive experiences, that build on the prior learning of each child. The curriculum is based on the Western Australian Curriculum, Early Years Learning Framework and the seven areas of the National Quality Standards and supports the central themes of Being, Belonging and Becoming.

Team planning is collaborative and focused on addressing the needs and interests of all children. There is an ongoing emphasis on early intervention and the school, works closely with outside agencies to identify and provide for students who require additional support, particularly in the areas of social and emotional development, speech, and occupational therapy.

Beckenham Kindergarten is located at the main school site on Railway Parade, Beckenham. Each class attends the centre for five days each fortnight. Students come from the Beckenham Primary School catchment area.
Starting school is an important milestone in the life of your child and your family. The kindergarten staff are there to care for and nurture your child. For many children, this may be the first time they are away from Mum and Dad for an extended period. Our aim is to ensure your child receives the best possible start to their educational journey. At Beckenham Primary School we view these early learning programs as the cornerstones on which later educational opportunities for your child are developed.

Department of Education – Resources for Kindergarten Families
Parents are asked to click on the below links to view valuable information from the Department of Education’s website on what to expect when their child starts Kindergarten.

Hello Kindergarten Booklet and translated versions